Title: Iliad & Odyssey (Leather-bound Classics) Pdf
Homer is a legendary ancient Greek poet, traditionally said to be the author of the two great epics of Greek history: the Iliad and the Odyssey. Both books are considered landmarks in human literature, and Homer is therefore often cited as the starting point of Western literary and historical tradition.
The Iliad and The Odyssey are two of the oldest works of western literature--yet these ancient myths still offer powerful lessons for our times. From the fascinating fall of Troy to Odysseus' perilous journey home, from the gods and goddesses to the Sirens and the suitors, the events and characters of these epic tales captivate us, teach us, and inspire us. Their influence can be seen far and wide, from James Joyce's Ulysses to the movie sensation Troy, starring Brad Pitt.
Whether you've read Homer's original stories or you've only enjoyed their modern-day descendants, you'll love this Canterbury Classics edition of Iliad & Odyssey. The perfect book to complete any bookshelf, Iliad & Odyssey features an eye-catching leather-bound cover with gold foil stamping, as well as fine ivory paper with gilded edges. You'll be moved by these magical works, and then delight in displaying this beautiful book in your home.
A classic keepsake for fans of Greek mythology, as well as all great literature, Iliad & Odyssey is the perfect addition to any library.
In short: In 2015, this is the best translation to get. Before I begin, a disclaimer. This review is not written to help you decide whether to read the Iliad. It is to help you decide which translation of the Iliad to choose. In short: In 2015, this is the best translation to get. Get it in paper, not Kindle.Peter Green states in the introduction that he is following in the footsteps of Lattimore, to preserve as much of the poem in Greek--wording, sentence structure, meter, and so on--in English, but to also make it declaimable. It is a translation to be read aloud. Thus, it is also a challenge to Fagles's translation, among whose virtues is how well it works as an audiobook.To review, there are several major verse modern translations of the Iliad. Lattimore's is closest to the original Greek, and for undergraduate work can substitute for the original well enough. There is the Fagles translation, in modern free verse, is wonderful to read aloud. The Fagles Odyssey was on Selected Shorts once, and for a long time after I insisted that there was no other worthwhile contemporary translation of Homer. I swore by it. Lombardo's translation is pretty common in colleges because of the price and the slangy presentation. Then there is Fitzgerald, which some swear by, but Fitzgerald's translation is loose with the Greek and mannered and fey in its English. It even translates Odysseus as "Ulysses," a sure sign that fidelity to the Greek is not worth the translator's trouble. I am missing some others, I'm sure.So let us begin at the beginning. In the Greek, the Iliad has "μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος" Quite literally, "Rage! sing goddess of the son of Peleus Achilles." μῆνιν means, more or less, the anger that engenders revenge, rage, wrath, anger are all ok to some degree. (It's complicated, an entire scholarly treatise is written on the meaning of the word.) Green gives, "Wrath, goddess, sing of Achilles Peleus's son's [/ wrath]." Fagles gives "Rage--Goddess sing the rage of Peleus's son Achilles." Lattimore gives "Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus' son Achilleus." Green and Fagles are right to put the first word first. This is poetry, after all, the order of the words matter, the first especially. The first word is the theme of the poem, the way it is directed first against Agamemnon, then toward the Trojans, and then tempered for a common moment of humanity, is the internal trajectory of the whole epic. Wrath might be best of all, since it conveys that it is anger in a sense that is unfamiliar to modern readers.Once, in my second year of taking Greek, I was told that there was no use of literal translations. Take it far enough, and you wind up with a textbook on how to read the book in the original Greek. Make it into readable English, and you wind up with a host of compromises where thousands of close translations might do. Go far enough you wind up with Girardoux's "The Trojan War Will Not Take Place," worthwhile on its own, but not really a "translation." That professor preferred Fitzgerald, but easy for her to do, she could read anything in Greek without any help. For us mortals with mostly forgotten Greek, or no Greek at all, closeness to the original in a translation should be treasured.In the end, translating Homer is a game of compromises, How much of the strangeness of 2500 year old lines and 3200 year old motivations do you keep? Dactylic hexameter calls for lines much longer than any form of English verse, so shorter lines or not? And so on. For me, Fagles is as far to compromise with how English verse should go as I am willing to accept. For what it's worth, Lattimore's English verse is better than his critics complain of.Starting from no knowledge of Greek, I'd choose Green. Over Lattimore because it's friendlier for the beginner and not worse as far as I can tell for a serious third reading. Over Fagles because the true-to-the-Greek line lengths convey the way the poem drives itself forward better in Green's line by line than in Fagles's free verse.Also. The introduction includes a plot summary of the whole Trojan War, of which the Iliad only covers a small portion. I have never seen such a succinct and complete synopsis before. There is also a synopsis of the poem keyed to the poem in the back matter to help find your place, an enlightening glossary of names and concepts to help you through your first read, and footnotes to inform the reader of context that has since been lost.Word to the wise re: Kindles. These are long verse lines. To get complete lines on a Kindle screen, you need a Kindle that allows text to display in landscape mode.Even then, complete lines only work in a very small font size. Get this in hardback for now. The hardback is stitched and bound to keep, so it is worth your money.To Understand Western Civilization Start at the Beginining My children tell me this poem is not required reading in school any longer, but then it wasn't when I was in high school in the 1970's either. Western Civ was crammed into a semester. Understand who and what you are in an hour a day over a term. Yeah I am sure that is going to work out. But I got a drivers license and that at least identified my gender.Otherwise lost in this age I decided to go back to the beginning, and like our hero depart this never never land the nymph Calypso tells me I am in where all is beautiful and there is no mortality. Ulysses knows who he is and leaves, preferring humanity.In contrast we are unmoored from all we have been before. We have no epic mythology that tells us who we are. Instead we are informed by the cyclops television, desktop computer or smart phone. How reliable are the stories these things tell live by?What I learned from Ulysses was I had the power to sharpen a stick and poke these monsters in the eye. Then set sail for Ithaca.
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Tags: 1607102129 pdf,Iliad & Odyssey (Leather-bound Classics) pdf,Homer, Samuel Butler, Stephanie L. Budin,Iliad & Odyssey (Leather-bound Classics),Canterbury Classics,1607102129,Classics,Achilles (Greek mythology),Epic poetry, Greek,Epic poetry, Greek;Translations into English.,Odysseus (Greek mythology),Trojan War,Trojan War;Poetry.,Achilles (Greek mythology),Classics,Epic,Epic poetry, Greek,Epic poetry, Greek;Translations into English.,FICTION,FICTION / Classics,FICTION / Fantasy / Historical,FICTION / Literary,Fantasy,Fiction-Classics,Fiction/Literary,GENERAL,General Adult,Historical,History - General History,Literary,Literature/Classics,Literature: Classics,Odysseus (Greek mythology),POETRY,POETRY / Epic,Translations into English,Trojan War,Trojan War;Poetry.,ancient Greek epic poem; epic poem; epic poetry; Trojan War; world's oldest poems; dactylic hexameter; Homeric epic; classic novels; classics; classic works of literature; deluxe classics; Homer; Iliad; Ithaca; Athena; Poseidon; Nestor; Ulysses; Sparta; Mycenae; Achilles; Troy; Agamemnon; Hector; Paris; Helen; Olympian gods; Patroclus; Odyssey; Odysseus; Penelope; Laertes; Telemachus; heroes; sirens; cannibals; Laestrygonians; the six-headed monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis; cyclops; Polyphemus; Calypso; Circe,ancient Greek epic poem;epic poem;epic poetry;Trojan War;world's oldest poems;dactylic hexameter;Homeric epic;classic novels;classics;classic works of literature;deluxe classics;Homer;Iliad;Ithaca;Athena;Poseidon;Nestor;Ulysses;Sparta;Mycenae;Achilles;Troy;Agamemnon;Hector;Paris;Helen;Olympian gods;Patroclus;Odyssey;Odysseus;Penelope;Laertes;Telemachus;heroes;sirens;cannibals;Laestrygonians;the six-headed monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis;cyclops;Polyphemus;Calypso;Circe,FICTION / Classics,FICTION / Fantasy / Historical,FICTION / Literary,Fiction/Literary,Literary,POETRY / Epic,History - General History,Translations into English,Fiction,Literature: Classics,Poetry
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